Our Building. The Arch. Our Symbol.
Upon its founding in 1980, the firm originally officed in a garden park setting, and in 1983 moved to the top floor of the then-new Texas Commerce Tower. The firm grew dramatically in the tower, but by the late 1980s we were yearning for our own building.
We liked the building’s current location from the onset, but invested more than six months’ time investigating other sites in central Arlington, north Arlington, southwest Arlington, and central and west Fort Worth, before purchasing the current site from Ashton-Butler Partners.
As we were making plans to build, we never forgot the sage advice of a major real estate client from Toronto, who advised “If a small firm like yours is going to have its own building, that building had better make a positive statement.”
We are honored that the building received Arlington’s “Mayor’s Award for Urban Design Award of Excellence” in 1993.
With much input from Kelly Jones, and based upon that advice, the building was architecturally designed by Mickey Munir and Vern Berry of the Dallas homebuilding firm Sharif-Munir, Inc, another client. Client Bartolucci Construction Company was selected as the general contractor, and ground was broken in 1989.
A longtime favorite of Kelly Jones, the late Rusty Wier happened to be in town on the building’s formal groundbreaking, and played a couple of songs underneath a small tent erected on the site. The next year, for the building’s open house inJuly of 1990, Rusty Wier and famous Austin songwriter/musician John Inman returned to entertain over 400 guests in the building’s courtyard.
Over the years, the building has hosted many charitable events and political fundraisers, attended by United States senators and congressmen, state senators and representatives, mayors, and numerous councilmembers, local dignitaries, and business leaders.
Now 28 years old, the building received an extensive refurbishment and enhancement completed in November of 2015.