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  • Trusted
  • Respected
"Of course, there's a disclaimer. We are lawyers, after all."


The information contained on this website is furnished by Jones Hassett, PC, subject to the terms which follow:

All information on this website is intended to be informational only, and is intended to neither solicit nor render legal services.

The information and references to the firm’s capabilities contained upon this website should not be considered by a prospective client as an indication or guarantee of future success. The content of this website contains general information, and may not reflect current information related to your legal circumstances. Further, the website is not secure, and the information presented on this site is done so on a non-confidential basis.

Please feel free to contact the firm via electronic mail. However, transmission and the firm’s receipt of such electronic mail does not establish an attorney-client relationship with Jones Hassett. Please do not send confidential or privileged information to Jones Hassett by electronic mail or otherwise, unless and until Jones Hassett and you have entered into a written engagement letter for legal services.

If you desire to discuss the possibilities of entering into an attorney-client relationship with Jones Hassett, please e-mail or telephone the firm’s administrator, Kimberly Biggs, at kbiggs@tarrantbusinesslaw.com or (817) 265-0440, and she will place you in contact with an attorney to discuss the possibilities of representation.

The website may contain links to third-party websites which Jones Hassett neither maintains nor controls. The firm cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of, or be responsible in any manner for, information provided on such third-party websites.

Unless otherwise indicated, the attorneys of the firm are not certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.